ya acabo el mes de agosto, y la migración ya empezó seriamente. De las 57 especies capturadas este mes, 26 son residentes. El resto puras migratorias. En total capturamos 4000 aves este mes, con 3937 nuevas y el resto recapturas locales. El bolsero castaño nos cayo por miles con 1835 en total, casi la mitad de todas las capturas del mes.
Abajo les pasamos una lista de los aves capturadas.
August is over and the migration starts seriously. From the 57 species we captured last month, 26 were resident species. The rest was completly migratory. In total, we captured 4000 birds in august, with 3937 news birds and the rest local recaptures. The Orchard Oriole were very common with lot of captures, almost half of the total of the month captures.
Below, find the list.
No. de ind por especie / Number of bird per species
1 : Least Bittern, Spotted Sandpiper, Plain-breasted Ground Dove, Common Pauraque, Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Western Wood Pewee, Vermilion Flycatcher, Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher, Social Flycatcher, Barn Swallow, Red-eye Vireo, Louisiana Waterthrush, Buff-throated and Grayish Saltators, Blue Grosbeak, Melodious Blackbird, Scrub Euphonia
2 : Groove-billed Ani, Eastern Wood Pewee, Spot-breasted Wren, American Redstart, Blue-gray Tanager, Variable Seedeater
3 : Blue-winged Warbler, Black and White Warbler, Mourning Warbler.
4 : Green Heron, Rufous-breasted Spinetail, Great Kiskadee.
5 : Common Tody Flycatcher, House Wren, Clay-colored Thrush, Yellow-throated Warbler
6 : Red-winged Blackbird
7 : Ruddy Ground Dove, Kentucky Warbler, Protonothary Warbler, Dicksissel
8 : Buff-bellied Hummingbird, Baltimore Oriole
9 : Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
11 : Northern Waterthrush
12 : Blue-black Grassquit
13 : White-throated Flycatcher
14 : Yellow-billed Cuckoo
15 : Eastern Kingbird
18 : Least Flycatcher
22 : Hooded Warbler
26 : Alder Flycatcher
32 : Great-crested Flycatcher
33 : White-collared Seedeater
55 : Gray-crowned Yellowthroat
118 : Traill's Flycatcher
133 : Traill's/Alder Flycatcher
643 : Yellow-breasted Chat
829 : Yellow Warbler
1835: Orchard Oriole
ya acabo el mes de agosto, y la migración ya empezó seriamente. De las 57 especies capturadas este mes, 26 son residentes. El resto puras migratorias. En total capturamos 4000 aves este mes, con 3937 nuevas y el resto recapturas locales. El bolsero castaño nos cayo por miles con 1835 en total, casi la mitad de todas las capturas del mes.
Abajo les pasamos una lista de los aves capturadas.
August is over and the migration starts seriously. From the 57 species we captured last month, 26 were resident species. The rest was completly migratory. In total, we captured 4000 birds in august, with 3937 news birds and the rest local recaptures. The Orchard Oriole were very common with lot of captures, almost half of the total of the month captures.
Below, find the list.
No. de ind por especie / Number of bird per species
1 : Least Bittern, Spotted Sandpiper, Plain-breasted Ground Dove, Common Pauraque, Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Western Wood Pewee, Vermilion Flycatcher, Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher, Social Flycatcher, Barn Swallow, Red-eye Vireo, Louisiana Waterthrush, Buff-throated and Grayish Saltators, Blue Grosbeak, Melodious Blackbird, Scrub Euphonia
2 : Groove-billed Ani, Eastern Wood Pewee, Spot-breasted Wren, American Redstart, Blue-gray Tanager, Variable Seedeater
3 : Blue-winged Warbler, Black and White Warbler, Mourning Warbler.
4 : Green Heron, Rufous-breasted Spinetail, Great Kiskadee.
5 : Common Tody Flycatcher, House Wren, Clay-colored Thrush, Yellow-throated Warbler
6 : Red-winged Blackbird
7 : Ruddy Ground Dove, Kentucky Warbler, Protonothary Warbler, Dicksissel
8 : Buff-bellied Hummingbird, Baltimore Oriole
9 : Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
11 : Northern Waterthrush
12 : Blue-black Grassquit
13 : White-throated Flycatcher
14 : Yellow-billed Cuckoo
15 : Eastern Kingbird
18 : Least Flycatcher
22 : Hooded Warbler
26 : Alder Flycatcher
32 : Great-crested Flycatcher
33 : White-collared Seedeater
55 : Gray-crowned Yellowthroat
118 : Traill's Flycatcher
133 : Traill's/Alder Flycatcher
643 : Yellow-breasted Chat
829 : Yellow Warbler
1835: Orchard Oriole