Anillamiento y conservación de las aves del Pantano de Santa Alejandrina

lundi 1 mai 2023

 Jardin Ethnobotanic of Oaxaca, april 30th , session 237 with a total of 8.535 accumulated hours mistnet and 18.352 birds captured. Average bird per mist: 2,15 in 21 years long term effort.




Our team, 15 persons, we are very happy to be able to train so many young talented people (Here the bander in charge, Edgar del Valle NABC bander certified) explaining how to mesure a wing chord. 

Using trektellen platform, we present the full result of this session, below.


59 birds captured (low for the month of april) and the surprise: the oldest Clay colored Thrush know on earth.

11 years and 2 months, here below.

A good opportunity to compare (almost) similar species, Social Flycatcher on left, Great Kiskadee on right (pictures Lilly Martinez)

And never missing a good time with the yumi tasty bread of la Merced Market...Learning with full stomach is easier...